Post by skrouse on Jul 23, 2021 22:25:15 GMT -5
Skrouse Kapital Asset Management
This article is a mini game where GMs compete for 5K by trying to score the highest Rate of Return (RoR) for the season based on thier skrouse skratch (tm) investments
1. Once per season a GM can transfer up to 10K from their Skrousey Bank account to their SCM Brokerage account
2. Whenever the deposit is made it will immediately be added to their starting Market Value for the season the RoR competition
3. GMs are investing their skratch and can chose to withdraw some or all of their funds any point in the season or they can carry it over to the next season
4. The competition is based on overall Rate of Return, the GM with the highest RoR at season's end wins the 5K prize from my own account at the Skrousey Bank
5. Prices are calculated using the current total win projections based on current winning percentage
5.1. The only time this is not true is for the opening trading session following Preseason where the Prices are based on eric's projections posted in the Preseason sim thread
6. GMs may buy or sell stocks with eachother, at an agreed upon price
7. SCM will act as the exclusive market maker for all TMBSL Team Stocks and offer to buy and sell stock at the ask and bid prices
7.1. Ask and bid prices will be based on the current price of the stock, marked up or down by 3%
7.2. A GM will always be able to buy stocks from SCM at the Ask and sell their stocks at the Bid
Examples: BRK with a price of 57 can be sold to SCM at the bid of 55 or purchased from SCM at the ask of 598. A single trade quantity cannot exceed he Max Lot value, this represents the maximum number of shares that a GM can purchase of a single stock in a single trading session
Example: SAC with a price of 5 would have a max lot of 500 shares, a GM could not buy more than 500 shares of SAS in a single trading session from SCM
8.1. Max lots will NOT apply to SELL transactions
8.2 Max lots will NOT apply to cross trades
9. Cross trades occur when two GMs wishing to trade with each can do so, the agreed upon price must be between the bid and ask price, as SCM has a fiduciary responsibility that the investor attains his stock at the best price available to them
Example: If Mike is willing to sell 8 of his shares of BRK @ 58.10, and Dirt is interested in buying them @ 58.10, SCM will broker the transaction for them - at no additional cost!
10. Minimum lots will be applied to every transaction, minimum lots are based on a formula of $500/Price rounded down to the nearest whole number
Example: 5 shares of BRK @58 could not be bought or sold, a deal would need to be for at least 8 shares.
11. GMs shall enter their buy and sell orders in this article thread
11.1. SCM will quote all orders (ASAP) and verify the best available price and total amount of the trade (in skrouse skatch currency units)
11.1.1. All quoted orders will be processed as quoted at the next trading session close, unless they are cancelled or a better price become available
11.1.2. Cancelled orders must be clearly stated by a GM prior to the trading session close
11.1.3. If a GM posts an illegal order, only max and min lots will be adjusted and only if the GM has enough skratch available to make a legal purchase, otherwise the order will be rejected
12. This article thread shall remain unlocked but orders will only be processed following the deadline for DCs for Sims 1, 4, 7, and 10
12.1 There will also be a liquidating trading session for ONLY selling stocks following sim 12
13. SCM will display all positions and balances following sims Sims 1, 4, 7, 9 and following sim 12.
Trading Session Schedule
1. Prices posted following Preseason, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 1
2. Prices posted following Sim 3, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 4
3. Prices posted following Sim 6, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 7
4. Prices posted following Sim 9, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 10
5. Prices posted following Sim 12, a SELL ONLY Trading Session closes at deadline of FA Day 1.
1. Prices posted following Preseason, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 1
2. Prices posted following Sim 3, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 4
3. Prices posted following Sim 6, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 7
4. Prices posted following Sim 9, Trading Session closes at deadline of Sim 10
5. Prices posted following Sim 12, a SELL ONLY Trading Session closes at deadline of FA Day 1.
Balance - current skrouse skratch (TM) available in a GM's Brokerage Account that can be used to purchase Team Stocks
Market Value - current value of all Team Stocks (positions) held by a team based on Shares times Price
Total MV - current Market Value plus Balance
Price - current market price of a Team Stock. The Price is based on current winning percentage of a team times 82 (games). For example, a team that has a current winning percentage of 100% will have a price of 82. If their winning percentage was 50%, it would be 41. A Price can NEVER fall below the all time low for an ending price, which is currently...
> 10 set by Yawn of the Dead 's 3005 WAShington Bullets
Ask (price) - current price at which a GM can BUY Team Stocks from SCM.
Bid (price) - current price at which a GM can SELL Teams Stocks to SCM.
Minimum Lots - Min Lots are the lowest amount of shares that can be bought or sold in a single trade. They are based on a formula of $500/Price rounded to the nearest whole number. Minimum lots will change throughout the course of a a season.
Maximum Lots - Max Lots are the highest amount of shares that can be bought by a single GM in a single trading session. They are based on a formula of $5000/Price rounded down to the nearest whole number. Maximum lots will change throughout the course of a a season.
Cash Out Value - amount of skrouse skratch (TM) a GM can obtain by selling all Team Stocks they hold to SCM, calculated by taking all current stocks held times the Bid
Beg. TMV - a GM's Total MV at the Sim 1 deadline, all deposits will be added immediately to the beg. TMV
End. TMV - a GM's Total MV at the Sim 12 deadline
Change - the difference between a GM's Beginning TMV and Ending TMV. This will be used to determine the winner of an individual season's game.
Disclaimer - These are the Rules as of today, they are subject to change. All GMs will be notified of any changes promptly. The Commissioner maintains the right to veto any transaction he deems inappropriate based on existing TMBSL 6.0 rules.
Historical Prices